Monday, April 25, 2005

Beleagured in British Columbia

Dear Beleagured in British Columbia,
In this rigged hole of a blogosphere, success is merely a game of luck. Glenn Reynolds's luck has infuriated so many other media junkies that they created an alliance against him...vowing to condemn him as the "puppy blender". And of course, it is all fun.
Though you may be jealous of your friend, as it is understandable, view him as just another Glenn Reynolds...and be honored to be his friend.
Also, you and your friends can form a playful alliance against him if resentment is that seething!
I have yet to form an alliance against Dear Ann, Abby, or even dear Amy Alkon. But alas, those ladies give far better advice than I ever will in a long time. I am merely a playful twig next to the logs.


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